Wearing Spandex Swimsuits


Have you ever seen someone wearing spandex swimsuits and wondered what they might have underneath them? Yeah, I haven’t wondered that, either, because you can pretty much see what they have under that swimsuit of theirs. Spandex is so form fitting that it is really hard to hide just how big, or small, your cock really is. I have even seen a guy that thought he needed to pad his cock a little to make it look bigger than it actually was. The thing is that the spandex fit so snuggly that it separated the sock or whatever he had in there from his cock and made it look really odd.

Now I would never wear spandex swimsuits if I thought that I had to put something in them to make my cock look bigger. I just know that I would end up having someone interested in hooking up with me because of how big they thought my cock was and that would ruin everything. Once you get in private and have to take your swimsuit off they would see that you were stuffing your suit. Do you honestly think you are getting lucky once they notice you lost three inches in size?


For me, wearing spandex swimsuits is all about the aspect of having fun on the beach. I don’t really care what other people might think about my spandex suit as long as I enjoy wearing it. Now I don’t go out of my way to wear anything too skimpy because that would just be wrong. I don’t want to upset other people and end up being the reason spandex is banned on the beach I like to go to. I want people to enjoy their time on the beach too as everyone has that right so I will be responsible with what I am wearing to make sure.