The Revolution of Spandex Swimsuits


The wearing of men’s spandex swimsuits are something that I love seeing in public. There are some designs that I don’t think the general public is quite ready for, although it is good that they are getting a sneak peek at what is going to be a common occurrence. I think the more people that start accepting the more conservative swimsuits that are coming out the greater chance we will have in getting people to accept the more radical ones that we all want to start wearing. After all, it hasn’t been that long ago that women were not allowed to wear the bikinis they are wearing these days.

I know that trying to compare spandex swimsuits with women’s bikinis isn’t something I should be doing here, but it is true. There are a lot of guys that want to wear sexy swimsuits out on the beach or in the park, but people are always telling them it is inappropriate to do so. I think you should be allowed to wear whatever you want to wear in public as long as you aren’t showing things that should be left in the bedroom. Although I am a firm believer that if guys can show off their nipples women should be allowed to do so as well if they want to.

Either way you look at it, spandex swimsuits are going to be the next big craze sooner rather than later. It is only a matter of time before someone realizes that there is no stopping the coming revolution. Although I am sure it will be a silent revolution where no one actually gets hurt. Fighting over something like swimwear seems a bit out there to me but I am sure there will be a group of people that will fight tooth and nail to keep us from wearing what we want to wear out in public. Those people really need to find something worthwhile to fight for in my opinion and leave the freedom of swimwear to those that are actually involved.