If you are not wearing spandex swimsuits, then you need to have your head examined very carefully and thoroughly. You are missing out on some of the best fun you could ever imagine having out on the beach. But it’s not only out on the beach that you are going to be having fun. I get invited to all kinds of private parties that involve pools simply because of the swimwear I have on while I am at the beach. Think of how much more fun your life would be if you had a private party to go to this weekend because you decided to wear a certain spandex design to the beach earlier that week.
Now, I am not saying that wearing spandex swimsuits will guarantee you an invitation to parties like this, but that is what has happened to me over the years. Once upon a time, I was always the guy that people did not invite to special occasions. I was just more of a wall flower in those days. All of that has changed now, and I am usually at the top of everyone’s guest list for all the big parties taking place. I swear, there are some weekends that I have split my time between several parties or choose which one I want to attend the most. I just assume that it is because of my spandex since I started getting invited shortly after I started wearing them out in public on a regular basis. I also get asked to wear something extra special when I do get invited to these parties. I am relatively sure that my swimsuits have a lot to do with it.
I do not mind if people are only inviting me because I wear sexy spandex swimsuits, either. At least I am getting invited and I can hang out and have fun like everyone else. It sure beats the time I was invited to a party only to find out that they needed someone to park cars down the street for people and I was not anywhere near the party that night. That was certainly a humiliating night. Now, however, I am in the center of the attention and everyone is waiting for me to show up and shock them with something new to show off.