I want to be able to wear spandex swimsuits all the time, but living in the mountains makes that almost impossible. We only get about three months of weather where there isn’t any snow on the ground and, even then, it still doesn’t get all that warm outside. I have to settle for wearing them around the house and in my own tanning bed that I bought a couple years ago. Maybe if there was someone else in my life that liked wearing things like this; it would all be different, but I don’t think anyone up here even knows about these swimwear options.
Most of the guys that I know on the mountain don’t even think about wearing swimwear let alone spandex swimwear. If they are going to go swimming, in extremely cold water I might add, then they just pull off a pair of jeans and jump in. I still wonder why I chose this place to move to in the first place. I know the people are really nice and they needed a doctor and everything, but why would I move to a place that doesn’t even have a beach?
I used to live on the beach, literally right on the beach, in Miami, and now I am wearing my spandex swimsuits in the spare room of my house getting a tan by artificial lights. I have gone such a long way from living the life that I thought I wanted to live. Of course I do get a chance to go to a beach once a year when the medical conference is held. That is about the only time I feel like my old self anymore. But as long as I am needed here as a doctor I will stay and keep wearing my swimsuits in the house. It is the price I have to pay in order to truly help people that need it.