Spandex Swimsuits Might be the Greatest Invention


Spandex swimsuits are quite possibly the greatest thing to ever be invented by mankind. Okay, there are a lot of great inventions all over the world that have stood the test of time and made life better, but none of those inventions have ever made you look as sexy as spandex will. I tried wearing a wheel once and all I got was laughed at. On the other hand, upon donning my sexy spandex, I was whistled at more times that I could count within a few minutes of stepping out on the beach. That is the kind of thing that only spandex can give to you.


I love wearing my spandex swimsuits wherever I can get away with it. Every time I go to the store down the street, I slip into one of my swimsuits and head on out. I get a lot of looks walking down the beach like that and very few people ever say anything negative about me anymore. I think they are all finally getting used to the way I like to dress, which is a good thing. I really got tired of people pointing and laughing at me when I first started dressing like this to go to the store.

I also had to deal with the store not letting me in while I was wearing my men’s spandex swimsuits at first. They kept saying it wasn’t appropriate for me to dress in that manner. However, after I convinced them that I was on the way to the beach and I could easily enough go an extra couple of blocks over and visit another store to hand my money over to, they agreed to let me in. I must say that being able to wear my swimsuits all the time like this has made life so much more exciting again, and I hope that the spandex designs get even sexier in the future.