Spandex Swimsuits to Feel Good In


It used to be almost impossible to find good men’s spandex swimsuits in my area. In fact, there wasn’t a single store within 50 miles that sold anything remotely considered to be spandex. But the popularity of the internet has brought that all to a moot point. I can click a few links online and have my new swimwear designs shipped to me in a few days. I don’t even have to get out of the bed in order to do this kind of shopping. It truly amazes me that there are so many other guys inn the world that love spandex as much as I do, too.


I will admit that you have to be careful about what sites you use to buy your first spandex swimsuits from, though. You can find virtually anything you want online but that doesn’t mean that all the sites are going to give you high quality. I have had my fair share of low quality products trying to be passed off on me before, and it isn’t all that fun. On the other hand, with a little research; you will be able to find sites that have the best quality or the best price and those are the sites that you will be happy with.

You should also consider just how skimpy you want your spandex swimsuits to be. When they first came out, you didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter, but now you do. There are more and more designs being created every month so you can find anything your heart desires. Just remember that while you may find some specific design sexy, others might not. Make sure that you can wear these designs out in public without getting into trouble before you start walking down the street showing off your body. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to something like this.


The Spandex Swimsuits Craze


Wearing spandex swimsuits is the newest craze to sweep my local beach, lately. I find it funny that the same people that were making fun of me wearing spandex are now out there walking around in the skimpiest designs I have ever seen. Of course I don’t blame them for what they have done to me. After all, it did help me get my body into better shape so that I could have the courage to wear the spandex items I wear now. But it is funny that they swore they would never be seen dead in something like that and here they are walking around in the same spandex designs that made me the brunt of their teasing.

Spandex swimwear has become something of a fashion statement lately. It seems like everywhere I go there are guys walking around in something made from spandex and loving it. I personally think it is a great thing but, since I have a spandex fetish of my own, it probably doesn’t matter all that much what I think. I feel that everyone in the world should be wearing spandex of some kind or another. They would find out how great it feels and how it can change their lives for the better.


They might even end up moving on from spandex men’s swimwear to more sexually explicit items. Wearing the sex wear items that are made from spandex can be quite interesting, but if you aren’t ready for things like that; it will most likely just be awkward. I know what I speak of because I wasn’t ready the first time I tried sex wear of this nature and had to go back to just enjoying my swimwear. But there will come a time when you can feel comfortable in sex wear. When this happens; it will take your love of spandex to a completely different level.

Finding Happiness with Spandex Swimsuits


If you haven’t seen the new spandex swimsuits that are available, then you have been missing out on a lot. Actually, I question whether or not you have been living in some dark cave somewhere if you haven’t seen even one of them. I can’t seem to walk down a beach for more than ten minutes without seeing a guy wearing something made out of spandex. I don’t mind that or anything, but it does seem to be a trend that is happening and in a huge way. I am sure that it won’t be too long before everyone around the world is wearing swimwear made from spandex in the future. That will be a rather interesting time for me.

Hopefully, everyone will be wearing men’s spandex swimsuits before I am too old to enjoy it. But even being able to see others enjoying them would be better than not seeing these wonderful swimsuits being worn at all. With that being said, I love wearing spandex swimwear out on the beach and I will continue to do so until I can no longer pull up my own swimsuit. By then, I will probably be too old to know what I am missing out on and it won’t matter anymore. But that is still a long way off for me.

These days, there are a lot of people wearing spandex swimsuits on the beach and I am very pleased by that. I love the fact that people have taken it upon themselves to bring happiness into their lives instead of waiting for big chain stores to mass produce it for them. This allows people to be who they are on the inside without having to feel like they should be someone else. It’s like wearing jeans just because all your friends are wearing them. Now we can wear whatever swimwear we want to and no one can tell us any different.


In Person Shopping for Spandex Swimsuits


Seeing the different types of spandex swimsuits that are available in person is much more exciting than looking at pictures online. I used to spend a lot of my free time searching around online for different sites that sold these miraculous items before. Now, however, I have found something amazing that I can go to in real life. A group of guys have started holding a monthly party not too far from my house where they model these new spandex designs for the guests. This allows you to truly see how these designs are going to fit your body, and you can even touch them.

I find holding the men’s spandex swimsuits in my hands allows me to better visualize what I will look in them. Personally, I think it is better to be able to do that even if you aren’t able to try them on. Just looking at pictures might be good enough for a lot of guys in the world, but not for me. I have purchased many swimsuits that turned out to be amazingly uncomfortable for me to wear because I thought the pictures online looked sexy. Unfortunately, I don’t have a model’s tight body so, when I got them on, they felt extremely awkward to me.

On the other hand, these spandex swimsuits parties that I go to every month have me spending a lot more money on things that I can actually wear comfortably. Of course the party itself is a lot of fun as we all tend to end up wearing our new swimsuits before the end of the night. I think it is probably a good thing that they have a pool there or people would think it was some kind of strange orgy we were involved in. I bet that kind of orgy would be lots of fun to be involved in as well, but that isn’t what happens with us, not usually anyway. Come to think of it; there have been a couple of times where things did get pretty hot.


Spandex Swimsuits at Clothing Optional Beaches


I love wearing spandex swimsuits whenever I go to the beach, but when I am lying out by my own pool; I prefer to wear nothing at all. I figure that no one can see over my fence anyway so why should I be forced to wear anything while I am getting a tan? I know there are a lot of different swimwear options available that I could be wearing while getting a tan, but I like that natural all over tan look that I can only get while tanning nude. Since I can’t tan nude at the beach that I live by, though, I like to wear something that is a bit on the sexy side.

I have to be careful about the style of men’s spandex swimsuits that I wear to that beach, though. There are quite a few elderly people that like to go to that beach and they are always causing problems for guys like me when we wear something fun. They don’t think it is all that fun although I am sure that if they could look half as good as I do in my spandex items, they would be wearing them as well. Part of me is happy that they don’t think they could look that good, though.

I don’t see anything wrong with wearing spandex swimsuits out in public as long as you keep the style simple. If you are trying to wear something that is overly erotic in public, then you are probably going to get into some kind of trouble and I think you should. Unless, of course, the beach you are on doesn’t have any regulations as to what you can wear, and then you should be able to wear whatever you want to. If anyone causes issues for you on a beach like that, then they should be the ones that are asked to leave.

The Rules of Spandex Swimsuits


Wearing spandex swimsuits is a great way of showing off your body and feeling extra sexy on the beach. However, there are a few things that you need to think about in the beginning. Now the first and most important thing to remember is that you need spandex that fits properly. We have all seen those pictures online of people wearing spandex that didn’t fit right. You don’t want to be one of those people so make sure that you purchase spandex that fits right and isn’t too small for your body style. Being tight is one thing being overly tight and disgusting is something completely different.

The next thing about wearing spandex swimsuits is the amount of body hair you have. Some guys need to spend a bit more time on this area than others, but it is important that you pay attention to this part of your body. Spandex has a habit of pulling body hair through it at times so just shaving or waxing around the swimwear isn’t going to work the way you think. Get it all taken care of so that you aren’t walking around with fuzzy looking swimwear. It may be funny to see for everyone else, but you will regret it.

Once you have figured these two things out, then your men’s spandex swimsuits will be the talk of the beach. That talk will either be how sexy you look in your new swimwear or how silly you look because you didn’t pay any attention to the first two paragraphs. It is completely up to you, but I have faith that you will do the right thing. Most importantly, you need to make sure you are wearing something that is safe for the general public to view. Some designs are a bit risqué and people aren’t going to like seeing them around. Remember that being safe is much better than being arrested for indecent exposure.\\Rear_Assault_Bikini_06

Spandex Swimsuits to Look Sexier


The more guys I see wearing spandex swimsuits the more I want to try some out for myself. I never really thought about wearing things like this in the past, but I see these guys walking around all the time now. It used to be that I could feel happy wearing something like boarding shorts to the beach. Now I have the feeling that I need to wear something a bit different. Something a little bit sexier than regular shorts, and that means I need to find some of these spandex items that I keep seeing.

Searching around online has shown me that there are a lot of different spandex swimsuits available and trying to pick one out of so many is difficult. I want to try something sexy, but I don’t know how sexy I should go. What if I pick out something that the beach won’t allow me to wear in public? Will I get into a lot of trouble for that or will I simply be asked to go home and change? What will people think about me wearing something like this out in public if they know we well enough to know I normally wouldn’t do something like that?

There are a lot of things that have gone through my mind since I decided to try out some of these men’s spandex swimsuits. So many things that I am not sure this is something that I want to do in public right now. I am thinking about buying some of these designs and just wearing them around the house until I can find something that I am comfortable with wearing out in public. That would probably be the best solution for me right now and I would have to worry about what others might say about them just yet. Maybe I can get some friends to take a look at them in private and tell me what they think first as well.




There is Nothing Quite Like Spandex Swimsuits


Spandex swimsuits fit snug, and yet, are comfortable at the same time. They look great on just about everybody except for the very obese. Even then, however, this miracle fabric has enough versatility that it can stretch to fit all body sizes. In short, there really is nothing quite like these particular swimsuits. They have been in demand for years and are even more so today. If you don’t believe that, do some research of your own. Talk to your friends that love to frequent the beach and resort swimming pools. Ask them what sort of swimsuits they choose to wear. A large percentage of the answers you receive will be swimwear made from spandex.

Another way to prove how popular spandex swimsuits are is to observe the visitors to any beach that you happen to go to and you will see that most of the swimwear worn by them is made from spandex. There is little wonder that this is true. Spandex is one of the most versatile fabrics of any created and is the perfect choice for a swimsuit. This material molds to fit any body type and stays put even when weighted down by lots of water. You don’t run the risk of emerging from the water with your swimsuit down around your knees showing everything you have to whoever wants to view it.

Now, you might think that swimsuits made from something like cotton or polyester might be better than spandex swimsuits. If that happens to be the way you believe; you should definitely run a comparison test so that you can see all of the advantages that spandex swimwear has over swimsuits made from other materials. It will, most likely, take just one test and you will be won over by spandex swimwear. Chances are that you will never want to wear swimsuits made from anything except spandex ever again.


Nothing Replaces Spandex Swimsuits



While there may be many, many different types of swimsuits available on the market these days for men, nothing will ever replace spandex swimsuits. This swimwear does everything to help flatter just about any body type with the exception of the hugely obese. It can even help slenderize and shape a slightly chubby body simply by putting one on. The best way to prove this is to experience it for yourself so that you can see exactly how hot you can be when wearing one of these swimsuits.

Just because you may not have done the best work on yourself through the years and may not have the hottest body in the world does not mean that you cannot benefit from the advantages that men’s spandex swimsuits will offer you. In fact, these swimsuits can transform you from ordinary to extraordinary just by slipping into one of them. That is not to say that a little work on keeping yourself toned and tight is a bad thing because that extra effort will only make for an even more dramatic change when you put on one of these swimsuits. However, even though you may not be a perfect physical specimen, you can definitely improve yourself by wearing a flattering swimsuit.

If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of spandex swimsuits, all you have to do is to try one out and see the results. As you model this swimsuit in front of a full length mirror, you will be amazed at just how much of a difference you will see in your body. Then compare it to other swimsuits that you have on hand and may be tempted to wear instead of the spandex one. It will a truly eye opening experience that just might change beach life. Of course, you will never know that until you buy at least one of them and give it a test run.



Spandex Swimsuits for Everyone


Spandex swimsuits do not have to be confined to only a small group of people. In fact, most men are able to squeeze into a swimsuit made of spandex and even look pretty good in it. Actually, there are more men now than ever before wearing these swimsuits and they love them every second. Not too long ago, if you saw a man wearing anything made from spandex; you would have thought they were training for some kind of sport or something. These days, however, items like this are worn for the sheer pleasure of wearing spandex.

You would be surprised to see just how many guys are wearing spandex swimsuits on a regular basis. Your boss might even be wearing one at the office under his pants and you would never have guessed. Think of all the fascinating places you could wear something like this and then ask yourself why you aren’t doing just that.  You could be enjoying your life so much more if you only gave in to your dreams and purchased swimwear of this nature. You may think you can’t pull something like this off at first, but after wearing some of them; you will see that you most definitely can.

Today’s men’s spandex swimsuits are the epitome of every guy that has ever wanted to walk around and get some attention. People from all around you will want to come up and talk to you about your swimwear selection when they see you in them. On the other hand, they might not even mention your sexy swimwear. But you can be sure that it is the reason they noticed you in the first place. Of course, you don’t have to wear them out in public if you don’t want to. Just imagine what your partner is going to say about you when you surprise them with something sensual and form fitting in the bedroom. There are no right or wrong ways of wearing these swimsuits, so go wild and have some fun tonight.

