Micro spandex swimwear for men!

Spandex Swimsuits

When it comes to swimwear, there is nothing more flattering and comfortable than spandex swimsuits. As a man, you must definitely have heard of a wonderful fabric called spandex. What you may not be familiar with are swimsuits that are made from this remarkable material. All it took for that to happen is, most likely, a man much like yourself, to want something a bit different to wear when he visited his favorite swimming venue. This man may have gone in search of the differences he desired and, after a considerable amount of looking around, he realized that there was a very simple answer to solve his quest. Why not put spandex and swimsuits together? This theory may very well be how things got started.  At any rate, it was a good call. 

Designers heard the cry from men all over the world and they listened. The result was the creation of spandex swimsuits. Men were flocking everywhere that these new and very different swimsuits were put on the shelves of all of the shops selling menswear. This seemed to happen more often in high end shops, but they also were sold in department stores; basically, everywhere that men’s swimwear is sold. There is something for every man, no matter what style they may prefer. In addition, if you decide that you want to shop privately, all you need to do is go online and you will find many websites that sell swimsuits made from spandex. You also do not have to worry about sales people peering over your shoulder. While they are meant to assist you, they can, at times, be rather annoying.

There is one other thing to address. That point is that spandex swimsuits can be a dream come true for many men, particularly those who have taken care of their bodies. These are the men who can wear any swimsuit and totally rock it. On the other hand, if men who are terribly overweight try to stuff themselves like sausages into spandex, they might want to consider getting into decent physical shape before unleashing themselves on the unsuspecting public. It may not be easy at first, but it will be worth it when you see the result.

Spandex Swimsuits are Hot!

Spandex Swimsuits

When it comes to spandex swimsuits, you may not have ever heard of them, let alone worn one. However, swimsuits created from spandex quickly became very popular as soon as they were launched to the public. Men who were in decent physical shape were flocking to the stores where these swimsuits were sold. These guys are the ones who wore as little on their bodies as possible when they went swimming,  especially when swimsuits became smaller and smaller. They were the men who gravitated to shorts, briefs, bikinis, micro bikinis and even pouches. Anything that set off their sexy bodies drew them in and continued to keep them coming back for more.

Now, if you happen to be one of the minority of men who have not known about spandex swimsuits, it is important to take a few minutes to learn more about them. First of all, spandex is the perfect fabric to use when making swimsuits. The fit of this swimwear is incredible. It acts almost like a part of your body due to the way it breathes along with you. This is one of the main reasons that spandex is used in lots of competitive sports as well as swimwear. Items created from spandex also retain their original shape. You will never have to pull and tug on swimsuits made from spandex because they are made to stay in shape.

Buying your spandex swimsuits is so simple that there is no excuse for you not to even try out one of them. All you need is access to a computer and the Internet and you are good to go. There are so many online stores that you will have all the choices that you need when shopping for your swimsuit made from spandex. Everything is handled discreetly so you will not be embarrassed about any one you know seeing what you are purchasing. You might not feel confident about wearing the swimsuit initially, but once you slip into it, you will never look back at anything made from cotton or polyester again.

Spandex Swimsuits Could not be Any More Comfortable

Spandex Swimsuits Could not be Any More Comfortable

If you are constantly searching for and failing to find comfortable swimwear, then you have obviously not stumbled upon spandex swimsuits. Not only are these swimsuits the most comfortable ones in existence, but they offer the men who wear them the extra added perk of molding the spandex to the body in such a way as to get positive attention everywhere they go to enjoy the sun and water. All men will certainly agree that if you are going to be stared at, positive stares are most preferable. On the other hand, swimsuits made from spandex offer more perks than just those lustful looks from acquaintances and strangers alike. They will mostly get plenty of phone numbers and asked out on dates.

Keeping in mind that spandex swimsuits make you look your very hottest when visiting your favorite swimming venue; you also need to understand that you can look great while also feeling comfortable. A lot of swimwear might make you look pretty good, but it is also usually uncomfortable because you need to worry about your posture or something like that. Swimwear made from spandex takes that annoying worry away from you. Spandex is often known as the miracle material because of how it acts with your skin. It is almost like it breathes with your skin. That keeps you from becoming too hot or feeling chilled no matter what the temperature might be.

You could seriously not ask for more than comfort and a flattering fit that you will get when you purchase spandex swimsuits. Just ask any man who has made the switch from ordinary swimwear made from cotton or some other fabric. Spandex allows you to feel as if you are not wearing anything, which allows you to experience the feeling of being totally nude even while visiting a swimming venue that is not clothing optional. It is that very sensation that men love about spandex. If you are not getting everything you want from your current swimsuits, it is time to at least try spandex and see if they do not cause you to be another convert.


Photo of me wearing a new addition to my collection. A neoprene bikini by Koalaswim.com I love spandex and I have a growing interest in micro neoprene swimsuits too!

Have Fun in Spandex Swimsuits

Have Fun in Spandex Swimsuits

If you happen to be man who does not have a lot of fun in life and are just ok with that, you do not have to remain in that situation. Something that you can use immediately to start having some fun are spandex swimsuits. It is so simple that most men do not even know that this is a solution to their drab lives. You do not even have to change your lifestyle unless you just want to do that for yourself. Fitness is never a bad thing and, if you feel that you are not going to look flattering in the swimsuit, it might definitely be a time to get on board to looking and feeling great. This can all be a major change in life for you. But you probably need a little more of a push since no one really gets into a workout program, at least in the beginning. Later, most guys start to get into a routine for working out and they start to like it and look forward to their next workout.

Now, when it comes to having a bit of fun, you will need to do a little shopping for spandex swimsuits. Nothing can come close to getting you on the road to having lots of fun. It may be difficult to believe that something so simple as a swimsuit can change your life, but if that particular swimsuit is made from spandex; that is definitely a game changer. This material is sexy no matter what item it has been used to create. That means that any swimsuit made from spandex that you may choose is going to change your life. Spandex offers you so much that it may not be necessary for you to take on a workout regimen. Of course, there are always new rules that are meant to be broken.

Before you can start having fun by wearing spandex swimsuits, you should assess the shape of your body. This can be done by stripping all of your clothes off and standing before a full length mirror as you take in any flaws you may need to work on before starting your spandex fun. No one can imagine just how great a time you can experience when wearing spandex. This means all spandex items, but swimsuits really call attention to yourself, giving you a reason to go out and kick up your heels.


Something totally new and exciting-Men’s Neoprene micro swimwear designs from Koalaswim

Get Your Spandex Swimsuits Early

Get Your Spandex Swimsuits Early

It is most likely autumn and heading into the winter season where you live. On the other side of the world, it is spring heading into summer. Either way, you might want to get started on purchasing your spandex swimsuits before any of the seasons change. For instance, it is going to be the holiday season soon and there is not another gift that men love more than a spandex swimsuit. Believe it or not; they are not going to turn their noses up at a gift of a swimsuit created from this very special material. In fact, you will probably discover that your gift is his favorite one of all. Actually, you may find that getting a spandex swimsuit as a gift for any and all occasions for those special men in your life might just be the best idea that you have ever had.

There are many amazing aspects to spandex swimsuits that, even after all this time, are still not widely known. Obviously, the sensation that spandex produces when it is against your bare body is a given. Everyone who has ever tried on a garment made from this fabulous fabric is quite familiar with this aspect. On the other hand, something that men may not know about is the way that spandex actually breathes with your skin. It attaches itself to you so that you have the ultimate in comfort at all times. This is true whether you are using your spandex swimsuit as underwear or as swimwear. Either way, you will feel quite comfortable in them.

Don’t you feel that it is time you experience all of the remarkable aspects that spandex swimsuits have to offer? Seriously, nothing can match the sensuousness and comfort that spandex can provide for you. In case you do not happen to believe that any mere fabric can bring about such a massive change in your life, then you need to give a try for yourself. It is a proven fact that from the first moment you slip into that spandex item, no matter what it is, your life will be magically and permanently altered. Don’t worry, though. The change will be one of the best ones you have ever had.

Pushing my Comfort Zone with Spandex Swimsuits

Pushing my Comfort Zone with Spandex Swimsuits

I have seen a lot of spandex swimsuits lately and I started to think that I might look pretty good in something like that. Mind you, I have never worn anything of this sort in the past. In fact, I am one of those guys that is pretty much afraid of changing anything in his life unless it is absolutely necessary. I do not even like changing what I eat for dinner every night and I have been eating the same thing for over twenty years. I like the comfort inherent in keeping things the same no matter what and wearing something like this was definitely not in keeping with that. You can probably understand why I am single.

I decided that I had to change one thing in my life and that one thing would end up being my spandex swimsuits. I was not too sure about wearing them in public, but I figured that I could wear them around the house while no one else was around. Sometimes, change is good but you have to go about it slowly so that it becomes a routine that you are used to in the end. So, I started wearing some spandex around the house. I have to say that it was the most aggravating thing I had ever experienced in my life. I could not get comfortable because I just knew someone was going to show up while I was wearing them and start asking questions.

Of course, I was able to push through all those feelings and I am now comfortable enough to wear my spandex swimsuits out in public. I love going to the beach on Saturday afternoons while wearing my spandex which has also become part of my new routine. Sometimes, you have to push past your own limits of comfort in order to see what the world around you is really like. I was able to do that with my spandex designs and you should be able to do it too with whatever you want to wear to the beach. All it takes is a bit of confidence to get started. Soon you will have all of the confidence and self-esteem that you could want.


Spandex Swimsuits Are Hard to Find


There are a lot of designs for spandex swimsuits coming out on the market and I have been trying to figure out which ones to go with which. I have never actually worn anything of this nature in the past, but I am intrigued as to how they fit. I love just about every design I come across but I can’t seem to make up my mind as to which one I should get first. Every time I see one that I really like, I end up finding another one right next to it that is even better. I truly am at a loss now, and that really bothers me.

I thought finding some good spandex swimsuits would be easy for me but that hasn’t been the case yet. I figured when I started this path I would end up having a new swimsuit in a matter of minutes after entering a couple search terms in my browser. However, I find that it has been three months, summer is almost over, and I have yet to find a single design that truly speaks to me. This is not going to keep me from continuing to look, though. If anything, it has made me more determined than ever to find a design that will truly be amazing.

I do wish it were a bit easier to find the right spandex swimsuits for first time buyers, though. I have read a lot of things online telling me what I should be looking for and while I agree with most of those rules, going through with them is harder than anything I have ever tried. I want to get the sexy yet exceptionally skimpy designs and try them first because that is the type of guy I am. Why try out something dull that I might not like when I can dive in with both feet, no pun intended there. I am going to keep looking for something amazing but if anyone knows of a way to make this easier on me please, by all means, share that information with me and anyone else that might feel the same way.


Investing in Spandex Swimsuits


There is more than one reason to purchase spandex swimsuits, and a lot of them. Obviously, spandex is an amazing fabric that not only keeps your body temperature comfortable while working out, it can mold itself to your bodies. This is meant to enhance those areas of your body that will get attention once you don a swimsuit crafted from spandex and head out to your favorite public swimming venue. Another thing you might want to consider is visiting a new venue while wearing your spandex suits. You are guaranteed to get your share of attention, and more because you are new and different while wearing spandex.

Something else that some men have been doing through the years is investing in spandex swimsuits. They may buy stock in companies that are quite well-known for their success in launching, marketing and, most important; selling these spandex items. Yet, there are other men who started browsing through the brand new selections of swimwear, especially those made of spandex. These men like to collect swimwear created from spandex as well as wear it. What these swimsuit collectors do is shop around for the very first ones to hit the shops. Then they try to discern which ones are the newest and purchase one. They never wear these swimsuits. They just collect the newest from each year.

It is hard to realize that when spandex swimsuits first hit the scene, there were people who would not accept them and would find them quite indecent for wearing in the public. In fact, men wearing these swimsuits would often be asked to leave the swimming venue they had come to relax. These days, no one says anything negative about swimwear made from spandex. If anything, they are spreading out more to include bicycle shorts and workout clothes. Also, do not forget that those men who are collectors might find themselves rather wealthy one day in the future. With a fabric this fabulous, anything could happen.

The Best Deals for Spandex Swimsuits


Have you seen some of the prices for some spandex swimsuits? Some of the prices are so outrageous. The most expensive ones come from designer labels. Ranging from $80 to $350 or more. Even lesser known brands charge $40 or more for some good swimsuits created from spandex. However, there are ways to avoid paying the high prices set in these modern days. Remember, there is a thin line between thrifty and cheap, so make sure you look for legitimate deals. Some people accept hand-me-down swimwear or trade swimsuits with friends which is fine for them. But for those of us who fear cooties, there are other, less questionable ways to acquire swimwear.

Spandex swimsuits can be found in thrift shops or stores that accept old products from main stores and sell it at super low prices. These are some of the best places to find new, cheap designer swimwear. It is also safe to say that most people avoid swimming or tanning during the winter months, so many stores will mark down their swimwear after Summer. You may have to wait until next year to use it, but if you can get a Gucci swimsuit for $5, it may be worth the wait.

Stores online can also offer big discounts with the use of online coupons. Be careful when using sites like eBay or Amazon as some people can advertise their spandex swimsuits as brand new when they are actually partially worn. If you are wary of donning things over your crotch that have previously touched a stranger’s crotch, then you want to shop from brands and well-known sellers. It may seem like being thrifty means you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, but that is not the case. People often find a “diamond in a sea of coal,” while shopping for swimsuit deals. You can find one that is your perfect size, color, and cut for a price you never dreamed of being able to pay. Stay aware of the deals and coupons out there, and happy hunting, you thrifty bitch!

We Love Spandex Swimsuits!


Spandex swimsuits are some of the best swimsuits on the market today! Have you ever tried a spandex swimsuit in the past? All lengths, styles, and colors are offered so that you can pick the one that is perfect for you! Now spandex may seem like a material that does not breathe or is perhaps, a little too constrictive; however, spandex is the opposite of constrictive. It offers free movement as it flexes and bends with your body. Spandex has received a bit of a bad reputation for being a material that looks silly or hugs all the wrong curves. The truth, though, is that spandex can look fantastic on you! It is a tight material, but that does not always have to be a bad thing. Especially for men who are tone and fit. Spandex swimsuits will always look amazing on muscular or slim men.

For men with particularly large cocks, there is also a benefit to wearing spandex swimsuits. For instance, consider that there is a cute guy at the pool that you have been trying to make a good impression on for days. Maybe you are hoping to get his number to set up a date or a steamy hook-up. There is nothing sexier than a hot, soaking wet man in a spandex bikini. Another reason spandex is a wonderful material for men with large cocks is that it holds everything in place. You do not have to worry about your cock slipping out from the fabric or getting caught between the knees during your backstroke. Spandex swimsuits are form-fitting and offers security so that you do not have to worry about exposing yourself before you really intend to.

So why do we love spandex swimsuits? There are plenty of reasons. The real question is, how can anyone dislike them? They have so much to offer! If you have never even tried wearing spandex swimsuits, you should absolutely go online and order some now! Look sexy, walk confidently, and feel the freedom of spandex!