Why You Should Buy Spandex Swimsuits


Your friends have called you up to come hang with them at the beach. Plenty of attractive faces and bodies are out roaming the shore today so you go through your swimsuits to select the sexiest one but you pass by the spandex swimsuits, which might be a serious mistake. Now may finally be your chance to capture the man or woman of your dreams. As you stroll along the beachside, you spot a rather handsome man making his way towards you. You run your fingers through your hair and offer your best smile. He smiles back and stops to talk. That is, until your friends arrive wearing swimsuits made from spandex and his attention is immediately drawn to their revealing, tight fitting swimwear. You look down to see the same pair of knee-length swim trunks you have had for over 6 years now. Maybe it’s time for an upgrade!

This exact situation may not have happened to you, but why wait until it does? The appeal of spandex swimsuits is that they are like physical representations of confidence. Men appreciate high self-esteem when looking for potential mates. What screams confidence more than your large manhood emphasized by a small cut, form-fitting piece of swimwear? Why let your friends rule the stage when you can show off your beach body just as well as they can? The reason why you should buy swimsuits created from spandex is because swim trunks are too modest. They are baggy and somewhat inhibiting to movement. You need a swimsuit that frees you to be flexible when needed.

When you are out swimming with a bunch of men at the pool, do you find yourself checking out the men in baggy swim trunks, or do your eyes wander to the hunky men in spandex swimsuits? You could easily be one of those hunky men yourself. If you’ve got a nice body, you should try on a little confidence with a new swim suit. You will be swimming in compliments before you know it!


Shopping for Sexy Spandex Swim Suits


Now is the time to get out there and start looking around for the best spandex swim designs that you can find. There are so many great places online to find these types of swimwear that you will have an almost endless supply to choose from. The only issues you might have is in keeping money in your wallet because you will end up finding numerous designs that you will want to purchase. If you can keep from blowing all of your money, you will become the most talked about person in your area because of all the heads you will end up turning in your direction. Think about how amazing it would be for people to recognize you walking down the street because of the types of spandex swim designs you have been wearing out in public. Nothing is better than being admired and this type of swimwear will definitely get people’s attention whenever you are walking around on the beach. Just remember to only wear the acceptable designs out in public and you should do wonderfully.

Getting Laid Because of Wearing Spandex Swimsuits


Are you single and having issues with getting laid? Do people not give you a second look when you go to the beach or your favorite swimming pool? That may be due to the fact that you should be wearing spandex swimsuits and you are, instead, wearing suits made from cotton, denim, and everything else except spandex. You obviously do not understand that spandex is one of the sexiest materials in the world. It fits your body like a glove and breathes along with you. Nothing ever looked hotter than swimsuits made from spandex.

That is why spandex swimsuits are quite necessary if a guy wants a good chance of getting the right kind of attention to be desirable. This attention will be what it takes to get you an invitation to go home with someone for a night of exciting and hot sex, especially if you look the best that you can when wearing these suits. While spandex will do its part to help you, there are some things that you need to do on your own, such as get in the right amount of exercise and eating healthy. Getting your body in shape is probably the most important step that you can take before slipping into your swimsuit.

Once your body looks great, it is time to go shopping for some spandex swimsuits that will make you look absolutely delicious to all who view you. They are going to want to get close to you and spend time with you. Many will want to make sure that you have their phone numbers so that you can reach out to them in the future. Others will bravely ask you out on a date and even others will brazenly ask you to come home with them for the night. It really does not matter which of these things happen to you. There will be enjoyment for you and the person you choose to be with. Just think: your swimsuit brought it all together for you.

There is Nothing Like Spandex Swimsuits


When you consider buying new swimwear, there is truly nothing like spandex swimsuits. The fabric molds to your body and you probably will not even notice that you are wearing anything. Guys that wear swimsuits made from spandex say that they would never go back to cotton or any other sort of material. Spandex not only makes you feel as if you are nude but you do not have to worry about diving into ocean waves and coming back up without your swim suit. You may not have lost your swimsuit that way in the past, but you probably know someone who has. Even celebrity men have had to sprint out of the ocean without their swimsuit to grab their towel. Spandex is not going to let that happen to you.

Another great thing about spandex swimsuits is that they seem to breathe with your skin. That is probably what gives it the sensation of wearing nothing but it certainly does come in handy. Another handy thing about swimsuits made from spandex is that if you are packing for a trip, you can simply roll them up and tuck them into your suitcase. These swimsuits take up practically no room at all when you are packing to go somewhere. In fact, you can even take several of them because they can roll up to become so small. You might even tuck one in your tote bag that you carry onto the plane with you. Everyone knows how notorious airlines are at losing luggage so a carry on is always quite smart.

men's swimwear
Bulge style swimsuit by Koalaswim. This design can handle an optional but plug with a built in secret holder to make any beach day a great one!

When you start shopping for swimwear, you should definitely check out spandex swimsuits first of all. If you cannot find them in your local shops, you can always turn to the internet. There are thousands of men’s websites online that offer spandex items of all kinds, including swimwear of all styles. You just need to know what size you wear and order the swim suits that you like the most. If you catch a sale on some of the websites, you will be able to buy more than one swim suit. Most men enjoy the privacy of shopping from home and that is what makes the internet so convenient. There are no sales associates to bother you and you can take all the time you need to choose what you want the most.

Spandex Swimsuits to Show Who You Are


There are times when men need to show the world just exactly who they are. When this time comes around in your life, it is time to haul out your spandex swimsuits. There is just something about how adventurous that these swimsuits make you look. For one thing, they fit your body like a mold or a second skin. If you have taken good care of your body, you might even look as if you are not wearing anything if you choose a nude color of swimsuit. People will notice you when you because you will seem like you are living on the edge by trying out something different. In fact, you might just find that you will become a trend starter by wearing these swimsuits created from spandex. They will be watching you closely and following right along.

Spandex swimsuits can actually begin a fad that will have many men jumping on board. These swimsuits will be sold out almost too quickly for suppliers to keep in stock. The best way to buy these swimsuits is probably through the internet. There are plenty of men’s novelty websites as well as those that carry high quality active wear. Spandex is a very durable fabric and is perfect for swimsuits as well as workout clothes and underwear. You will not believe how spandex makes a man look until you try it out for yourself.

Spandex swimsuits had a pretty bad rep during the early 1980s and 1990s. These were the years when wearing workout clothing was gaining popularity. Many people think back to those old biking shorts created out of spandex when they hear that swimsuits are now being made from spandex. Naturally, there have been many dramatic fashion changes since that time which have these swimsuits brought up to date and looking hot and sexy. Websites will have many styles for you to browse through along with offering the highest quality. All you have to do is sit down at your home computer, get comfortable and start looking for the swimsuits that call your name. You can bet that there will be no looking back once you have tried spandex.

Shopping for Spandex Swimsuits

Shopping for Spandex Swimsuits

When it comes to shopping for new spandex swimsuits, men are totally individual about it. Some guys despise shopping for any type of clothes. If it is not food shopping, they are not interested. Other guys, however, really get into the whole shopping experience, especially when it comes to swimsuit shopping. They do not mind purchasing something right off the rack but they need to think a bit harder before they keep making that same decision. There are so many other choices that can be presented to you if you do your shopping on the internet. Not only will you have more choices but you will be much more comfortable.

In shopping for spandex swimsuits online, you will find thousands of websites that cater to men who enjoy being a bit unique when it comes to their swimwear. These swimsuits always include items created from spandex and all types of swim suits to select your favorite. Go ahead and get comfortable while you leisurely peruse these websites. You will definitely find something that really catches your eye. It is that first swim suit made from spandex that you will most likely decide that is the first one you will purchase. Find the correct size for your body, place your order and then sit back and wait for the swimsuit that you are going to be so excited about when it arrives.

One other thing about shopping for spandex swimsuits you should consider is your physical shape. You need to be certain that you will look the way you want to appear before you place that first order. After all, it does take a decent body to award you the looks that you really crave. So spend some time in front of a mirror before you do anything else. Be brutally honest with yourself about the shape of your body and then workout any of those trouble spots. Then you will be ready to purchase that first swimsuit made from spandex. What a hot sight you will be!



Spandex Swimsuits to Love


When it comes to spandex swimsuits, more and more guys are turning to them when they head out to their favorite swimming venue. These swimsuits have become known for their flattering fit to a man’s body as well as the durability they show when used for working out and swimming. They cling to your body much like a second skin. Men love the way this fabric breathes with them. Many have said that wearing spandex feels as if they are not wearing anything at all. That makes it the perfect material for guys who are generally nudists but visit swimming venues that require certain parts of the body to be covered.

If you are not familiar with spandex swimsuits, you should correct that situation immediately. Once a significant number of men decides to slip into a swimsuit made of spandex, they typically become permanent fans. Never again will they wear swimsuits made from denim like cutoff shorts, board shorts, or any other kind of boring swimsuits. They realize that the spandex is perfect for them and the search for the ideal swimsuit ends right there. It does not take very long for them to understand how flattering these swimsuits are and how durable. Guys never have to worry about ocean waves pulling their swimsuits down, leaving them out in public baring their naked bodies.

Speaking of nudity, spandex swimsuits are perfect for those men who want to be naked all the time because they can feel that they are wearing nothing whether it is in public on a beach or in the form of underwear. All you have to do is give it a try and you will soon wear nothing except spandex on the beach or underneath your work clothes whether that is in a high powered position or as a construction worker. Just give it a shot and you will be really amazed at the difference it will make in your life.

Picking Out the Right Spandex Swimsuits


Not all spandex swimsuits are created equal these days. This is one of those materials that have taken over the world quietly and almost everything that is being worn these days has at least a little bit of spandex in it. Of course you aren’t going to be wearing a swimsuit that is only partially spandex are you? This is why it helps to do your research when looking for spandex to wear out to the beach. There are a lot of sites out there purporting to show the best of the best but that usually isn’t the case. Too many people like to take lower quality spandex and push it off as something higher in quality. You have to take the time to figure out what it really is and that can be difficult.


You don’t need to be a fashion designer to understand that there are some really good spandex swimsuits in this world and some that you probably shouldn’t order. You have to think about what it is you want to express with your swimsuit first and look for the designs that will accomplish this. Then you have to figure out if the material and design itself is going to work for your needs. Always go for the purest form of spandex you can get and pick out the design that you are most comfortable wearing in public.

If you have any problems picking out your spandex swimsuits you can always look around online to see what other guys have tried out. There are a lot of forums out there sharing stories with others in order to get them into the right swimwear. Just make sure that you aren’t spending too much money on designs that aren’t going to work out for you. That is something that you might not be able to recover from and one of the main reasons that a lot of guys stop trying to wear spandex.

Don’t Let My Friend Surprise You with His New Spandex Swimsuits


I have seen a lot of spandex swimsuits over the years but nothing prepared me for what my friend decided to bring back from France on his vacation over last summer. Every time I spoke with him on the phone he was trying to describe what some guys was wearing on the beach but he has never been very good at using descriptive words. In fact he tried explaining what some wine tasted like and I thought he was telling me about the differences between automotive gases that they use over there or something. That should tell you how confused I was by what he was telling me about the swimsuits.

I put it all out of my mind and figured that he would have too by the time he got home, but he didn’t. Instead of trying to explain it to me though he put one of these new spandex swimsuits on and showed me what he was talking about. I should preface this by telling you he said the guy looked like he had a full body wax before stepping out of the bathroom and showing me what he had brought home. The sheer horror at seeing his hairy ass in that swimsuit made me want to hit him in the head with a shovel and run away in fear.


I couldn’t get too much of a view and still have no clear idea what the spandex swimsuits looked like because I couldn’t stare at him that long without the flight or fight response kicking back in. He told me what they were called and I went ahead and found them online which was much better for me. The guys wearing them online looked like they should be wearing something like that out on the beach. He looked like an old train hobo wearing a bikini on the outside of some really nasty long johns that hadn’t been washed, or changed out, in over ten years. Why would he wear something like that knowing what he looks like in the first place?

Spandex Swimsuits Have Shown Me a Good Time


Some of the best times I have ever had involved wearing spandex swimsuits on the beach. It seems like every time I wear something like this out to the beach I end up getting invited to a party which ends up being absolutely crazy. I never really thought that wearing something like this would end up having such a profound impact on my life but now I can see the power with which spandex has on people. Because of this I tend to only wear spandex when I have a full weekend to devote to having as much fun as possible without worry about the consequences.

Take the time I wore the sexiest spandex swimsuits I could find to the beach one day and got invited to an A-list actor’s house party. Now I am not going to start name dropping or anything like that but I can say that this particular actor has been in some of the highest grossing movies ever created and I got to party at their house. I was even the center of attention while performing a lip-sync talent show on the diving board of the pool. Now if that isn’t amazing I don’t know what is.


Things like that one particular incident don’t happen all the time but wearing my spandex swimsuits has made it happen at least once and how many people can say that about their own swimwear? You see, I don’t really believe that the swimsuit itself has given me special abilities to make people like me but I do believe that I have gained an amount of confidence that has allowed me to be more approachable by others. Because of this confidence people see me as a friendly guy that is willing to go out and have a good time. I have never been arrested or anything and everything seems to work out very well. I have the confidence that I get from wearing my spandex designs to thank for that regardless of what anyone else might think. You may not experience the same things I do but I am sure you will have much more fun in your life if you give spandex swimsuits a try.